2021. 6. 10. 02:50ㆍ카테고리 없음
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Below is a block diagram of the oscilloscope. The architecture is fairly traditional; the input signals are conditioned in the analog frontend which depending on the signal levels either attenuates them or amplifies them, and can also add offset. All this is necessary to make optimum use of the fixed voltage range that the analog-to-digital converters can convert into digital information.
The analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) take the analog signals and convert them into digital numbers. The sample logic controls the sampling process and the storage of the converted data in the capture memory. The trigger circuitry decides when to start the sample process.
The controller takes care of setting signal gains and offset, setting up the sample logic, selecting trigger source, trigger level, and trigger polarity, and communicating the the PC.
As you can see, the dsPIC30F2020 microcontroller allows to implement most of it without external circuitry - controller, memory, sample logic, analog-to-digital converter (ADC), trigger and trigger level control all reside within a single chip. This makes the design very compact, inexpensive, and easy to build.
USB interface to the PC as well as power supply for the scope are provided by the FTDI232R serial-to-USB converter cable - again a very user-friendly solution since there is nothing to assemble.

Yokogawa Oscilloscope Schematics For Free
The unit is ready,
Plug the Stereo Jack into LINE-IN/MIC
The application is ZELSCOPE, free download at www.zelscope.com .
This application is 14-day Trial, could be purchased at a price of not more than (US $9.95).
The Oscilloscope is ready for use!!
Below are several voltage signal tests, among others signals from mobile phone charger, laptop charger, battery, etc.
Sample of close-to-perfection voltage signal without noise.
1. This Oscilloscope could be used for a maximum input voltage of 5Volt.
2. This Oscilloscope has a frequency range of: 20Hz to 20 kHz (complying with the Soundcard capability).
3. The value of 22K Resistor could be increased up to 820K Ohm for the use of Oscilloscope with an input of above 5 volt.
4. The value of Potentiometer could be increased up to 100K Linear, for the use of Oscilloscope with an input of above 5 volt.
5. For safety of your Laptop, you can use cheap USB SoundCard (under $5).
Good luck.
Translated by Taufik Masjhur
This post was originally published on saft7.com in Bahasa Indonesia language.